Carolyn Angus 27th December 2007

December 27, 2007. Sue Nelson was an icon in the Havanese world. She represented the genuine sweetness of our breed. She moved with equal elegance. In photographing her, I found her hands were a creation of grace and strength. This soft-spoken woman found only the good in everything and every one. She was unfailingly a voice of reason. I first met Sue at the 2000 Havanese Nationals held in Buena Park. One of the keynote speakers she had invited was Dr. Jean Dodds. Sue and I quickly bonded with our very strong interest in alternative medicine for animals. If you needed help, Sue always found the time to offer solutions. Sue was selfless. When she recently heard I might come down to attend this year’s Eukanuba, she immediately wrote back and was all set to mail me a pass. No matter how gravely ill she was, Sue continued giving to others. Less than three weeks ago she was still sending me her funny cartoons, words of wisdom, animal related photos. She’d also email me a beautiful garden image she had found that she thought I might appreciate. I in turn would send her “flowers” visually or happy photos of my woofs playing in the snow. Her courage and positive attitude to the end were so admirable. Sue Nelson was “dignity” personified. Sue, you will be sorely missed, as a dear friend, as a mentor. Wherever your spirit is, I just hope you can feel all the love winging your way. Love, Carolyn.